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Cancer in Cats - Types, Signs & Treatments

Because cats are instinctively good at hiding discomfort many cat cancers go undetected until the condition becomes advanced. Spotting the signs early may help to extend your cat's good quality of life. To help you detect the earliest signs of cancer in cats our Huntsville vets explain the symptoms to watch for. 

Cancer & Your Cat's Health

Cats are stoic creatures with a natural instinct to hide any signs of illness or pain as a matter of protecting themselves from other animals. Sadly, their remarkable ability to hide signs of illness means that cancer is typically quite advanced by the time pet parents begin noticing symptoms of the disease.

Knowing some of the most common signs of various cancers seen in cats can help pet parents to detect the earliest signs of the disease right away and seek veterinary care for their four-legged friend. As with many diseases, early detection and treatments typically lead to much better outcomes.

Signs of Cancer in Cats to Watch For

Different forms of cancer will lead to different symptoms so it can be challenging to generalize about the most common signs of cancer in cats. That said, pet parents should always keep an eye out for the following:

  • Lumps that change in appearance, sores, shabby or rough fur
  • Lack of energy
  • Change of personality
  • Stiffness
  • Rapid weight change (gain or loss)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bouts of vomiting
  • Difficulty eating
  • Change in litter box use, struggling to pass urine or feces, diarrhea 
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Bad breath 

If your cat is displaying any of the symptoms above, contact your local primary vet or veterinary oncologist right away to have your pet examined. 

If your vet suspects that your cat has cancer they will be focus on diagnosis, pain management, treatment and, if necessary, palliative treatment to maintain your cat's quality of life for as long as possible.

Common Cat Cancers

Lymphoma in Cats

As one of the most commonly diagnosed feline cancers, lymphoma has the ability to affect the lymphocytes (a kind of blood cell) and lymp[hoid tissues situated in many places throughout the body (e.g. lymph nodes, liver, bone marrow). It can be caused by other conditions such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Lymphoma can affect cats of anty age, breed, or sex, with the gastrointestinal tract being the most commonly affected area of the body. 

Treatment options include chemotherapy, which most cats can tolerate with minimal side effects. In about 70% of feline patients, chemotherapy resulted in less presence of cancer (remission). 

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SSC)

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is found in the cells of the oral cavity and is the most frequently seen kind of oral tumor in cats. The signs of SSC in felines usually show as dental problems (drooling, oral odor, dental bleeding, difficulty eating) that are examined by a veterinary professional who can identify SSC via biopsy.

Although surgery is recommended to address SSC in cats, unfortunately, cats' mouths are quite small in relation to the size of the tumor by the time it is usually diagnosed. If surgical intervention is deemed appropriate, sections of the upper or lower jaw will likely be removed to reduce the likelihood of the cancer invading other, deeper structures of the mouth.

Radiation and chemotherapy treatments are other options – but sadly, the majority of cats with SSC cannot be cured. If this is the case, the focus of your pet's compassionate veterinary team will be in keeping your feline friend as comfortable and pain-free as long as possible.

Cat Fibrosarcoma 

Fibrosarcoma is a cancer that affects the soft tissues of the body and although slow to spread, is aggressive in the areas in which it takes hold. This cancer usually shows physical symptoms in the form of skin lumps or masses that doesn't seem to cause the cat pain. In more advanced cases, cats will show signs of dehydration, lethargy, and poor appetite. 

Surgery is the usual initial treatment for fibrosarcoma, but it is likely that the tumor will return even with particularly aggressive removal of the growth. Because of this, radiation or chemotherapy is often recommended concurrently. With successful treatment, cats with this condition can live without the disease for 1 – 2 years.

Mammary Tumors in Cats

It may surprise you to know that mammary (breast) cancer is also a common cancer in cats, with up to 90% of mammary tumors being malignant (having the potential to spread to other body parts). More advanced cases can see the tumors spread to lymph nodes and lungs, which is why early detection is key. 

Surgically removing the mammary tumor, especially if the growth is small, is the most effective treatment. If the cat's condition has progressed (i.e. tumors are large, or lymph nodes are affected) then post-surgery chemotherapy might be advised by your veterinarian or veterinary oncologist. 

Early Detection Offers Best Treatment Outcomes

Take preventive steps such as having your female cat spayed to reduce the chance of mammary cancer, getting your furry friend vaccinated against feline leukemia, and ensuring they attend their routine veterinary checks to keep an eye on their overall health. Since there are several cancers for which the causes are unknown, early detection is your best tool. You and your expert veterinary team are the first line of defense in your feline friend's fight against cancer! 

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Are you seeing concerning signs of illness in your cat? Contact Whitesburg Animal Hospital to book an urgent examination for your feline friend. 

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